Home Remedy for Heartburn

There is many a home remedy for heartburn in the old texts because it was as common then as it is today.

In The Favorite Medical Receipt Book Dr. Chase describes heartburn as the result of indigestion caused by starchy foods. Eating foods high in starch produces more acid in the digestive tract. These acids produce a burning sensation along the esophagus and can be felt just behind the breastbone near the heart. Sometimes there is the need to vomit.

A modern remedy for acid reflux that you need to know about.

Home Remedy for Heartburn

"Nitromuriatic acid. 5 drops of strong acid in a glass of
water after meals."
"Teaspoonful doses of Bicarbonate of Soda {common baking soda} every three hours."

"A teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) in 3 or
4 tablespoonfuls of peppermint or cinnamon water, with 1/2
teaspoonful of powdered ginger, or a little essence of
Jamaica ginger added, and taken immediately after each meal,
will generally remedy this in a few days. A dose of this,
and repeated in an hour, will be good in headache arising
from acidity of the stomach. If the regularly prepared water
(cinnamon or peppermint) are not on hand, put 1/2 teaspoon-
ful of either of the essences in water, with the powdered
ginger, or essence of ginger and the soda; or plain water
will do, only not quite so pleasant."

Dr. John C. Gunn's home remedy for heartburn

Taken from Dr. Gunn's Household Physician, originally published in 1857:

"What is commonly called Heartburn, is nothing more or less than Sour Stomach, or acidity of the stomach. It is usually a concomitant of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, frequently caused, however, by the use of tobacco, spirituous liquors, and want of proper exercise. Temporary relief may generally be had by the use of some alkali or antacid - as a teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda in a little water, or half as much Saleratus dissolved in half a teacupful of water. Great care should be taken to avoid the use of these articles continuously, or even frequently, as they tend to irritate the coats of the stomach. Avoid the causes that lead to Heartburn."

"Magnesia is a very good remedy; the dose may be 1, 2, or 3 teaspoonfuls in a tumbler of water. Soda Mint Tablets, now obtained at any drug-store will often relieve the condition. If caused by the use of Tobacco, leave off the filthy weed."

Dr. Gunn also discusses heartburn in pregnant women:

"Women are often troubled with Heartburn and Sour Belching during pregnancy. In such cases it is an attendant symptom, which can only be temporarily relieved while the cause exists. The above alkalies will generally afford relief here also, especially the Magnesia; but sometimes, as strange as it may seem, acids do the most good - such as a weak solution of Tartaric, Lemon or Citric Acid, or a few drops of Elixir Vitriol, in a little water, just enough to make it pleasantly sour; or Lemonade will answer the purpose.

"Sugar, sweets, and saccharine vegetables, such as easily turn sour in the stomach, should be avoided, and the patient should take free exercise daily, and make use of a plain, light, nourishing, and easily digested diet. And if Dyspepsia is the cause of the difficulty, the following powder may be used:

"Take pulverized Rhubarb and Supercarbonate of Soda, of each, 1 ounce; pulverized Golden Seal and Peruvian Bark, of each 1/2 ounce; pulverized Cloves and Ginger, of each 2 drams. Mix and take a teaspoonful after each meal, in a little water or milk."

Dealing with acid reflux the safe easy natural way.

Read more about clove here ...
Read more about ginger here ...
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