Home Remedy for Sore Throat

old home remedy,old remedy,home remedy

The old-time doctors said that the best home remedy for sore throat was to gargle with warm water to which a number of ingredients could be added, like alum or salt. The folk medicine literature contained a wealth of easy recipes for sore throat gargles.

Dr. Gunn said that sore throat most likely arose from exposure to damp or cold. Sore throats could be contagious and bore symptoms similar to those of tonsillitis or laryngitis; many of the folk remedies for gargles and teas were the same. Sore throats were sometimes associated with rheumatism.

The old texts talked about a "linctus," which was the formal medical term for a cough syrup.

A modern 100% natural remedy for sore throat

Before we get to the recipes, here are some common ingredients that people used in the old days to make a home remedy for sore throat:

Alum - good for gargling in warm water
Chlorate of potash - made a good "linctus"
Compound infusion of roses - gargle with this alone, or in combination with alum
Corrosive sublimate - lotion containing this compound checked throat ulcers
Glycerite of tannic acid - a good astringent, and worked well when applied to the skin of the throat as a compress
Iodoform - used in ether form for chronic inflammation of the throat, and was also used as a topical anaesthetic for painful ulcers of the throat
Iron - good for application to sore throat especially in combination with glycerine
Myrrh - a good astringent to use as it checks secretion of mucus
Rosemary - another good astringent for throat lesions
Sage tea - add honey, alum or vinegar to it and gargle
Horehound tea
Slippery elm bark tea or lozenge

Old home remedies for treatment of sore throat from Dr. Gunn:

Home Remedy for Sore Throat - Compress

Wrap cool compress around neck. Chew on ice to relieve inflammation.

Throat Swab Recipe

Dip finger or cotton swab into Bicarbonate of Soda and dab onto back of throat every hour.

Sore Throat Gargles

Sage tea ................................... 1/2 pint
Strained honey ........................ 2 tbl
Salt ............................................. 2 tbl
Strong vinegar ......................... 2 tbl

Mix, strain and gargle from four to twelve times daily depending on severity of case.
Mix one teaspoon Cubebs with one teaspoon saltpetre, put a pinch on tongue and swallow with water every half hour. Then gargle with milk. Eat as little as possible for first 24 hours.

For an ulcerated throat of long standing:
Sumach berries ...................1 oz.
Goldenseal ..........................1 oz.
Water .................................... 1 pt.

Boil to make a decoction, strain and add one drachm of pulverized alum to every pint.

"Lethian Liniment"

Turpentine soap ........................... 1 oz.
Gum camphor ............................... 1 oz.
Alcohol ........................................... 1 qt.

Put mixture into jug or bottle and let stand in hot sun or a warm place for two weeks, then add 2 drachms of chloroform. Shake often while cooling. Apply as a liniment to the throat and neck.

Sore Throat Mixture

Chlorate of Potash ...........1 drachm
Turpentine ...................1 drachm
Syrup of Gum Arabic...........1 ounce
Water.........................1 ounce

Take a teaspoon every two hours.

Some Herbs for Treatment of Sore Throat

  • Avens - Geum Virginianum, aka Aven's Root, Evan Root, Chocolate Root, Throat Root.
  • Blue Violet - Viola Cucullata

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