Natural Hair Loss Remedy

Many of the old time country doctor books list a natural hair loss remedy that people could prepare at home.

Hair loss was generally attributed to excessive mental activity, stress, illness, high fevers, or improper hair care. Dr. Chase claims that Marie Antoinette's hair turned grey practically overnight due to the stress she experienced in the final days leading up to her execution.

In his monumental work Dr. Gunn's Household Physician [1857] Dr. John C. Gunn says,

"If the Hair falls off the head at an early age, it is evident that some constitutional disease exists, and not infrequently produced by excessive action of the brain, as Intense Study, great Anxiety of the Mind, Afflictions, Grief, Suppressed Evacuations, Determinations to the Head, Unnatural Heat or Inflammation, Fevers, Dyspepsia, etc.; we well know that the Hair falls off after severe Illness, Fevers, etc."

Dr. Gunn also attributes hair loss at any age to a lack of proper care. He recommends a regular cleansing using a shampoo of warm water with Castile soap during cold weather, and a shampoo of cold water using Castile soap during warm weather. After shampooing a coarse towel or rough brush should be applied to massage the scalp and remove any dry or dead skin.

A small-toothed comb should be also used daily. Exercise and fresh air are also essential to good hair care. And:-

"Hair Tonics, Hair Dyes, Greases and Oils should not be used on the hair. Nature has provided each hair follicle, near the root of the Hair, with a little sebaceous gland, which secretes, in a healthy scalp, a sufficient amount of sebum or oily material to keep the hair pliant and glossy. The natural sebum is a better ointment than any artificial ones we have yet been able to make, and the use of artificial oils has a tendency to cause the sebaceous glands to dry up and disappear, as if offended at the attempt to improve upon Nature's work."

Dr. Chase's natural hair loss remedy

Dr. Chase's natural hair loss remedy comes from the Wormwood plant and also promotes new hair growth:

"Southern Wood Artemisia abrotanum, called also Old Man.-This plant is cultivated in gardens. It grows about three feet high and has small flowers of a grayish color which grow in close spikes, mixed with leaves, at the ends of the stems.
"It is a species of wormwood, and is given to destroy worms, the dose being from 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls of the powder, given in molasses, morning and evening. It is also applied externally in ointment and fomentations for eruptions of the skin and hard tumors. Also to prevent hair from falling out and to cause it to grow. It may also be given in decoction and infusion."

More Hair Loss Remedies and Restoratives
Almond Oil ............ 1/4 pounds
White Wax ............. 1/2 ounce
Lard, clarified ....... 3 ounces
Liquid Ammonia ........ 2 drachms

"Add a few drops of Rose, Lavender, Bergamot or other perfume. [Visit the Essential Aromatherapy Oils website for more information about Rose essential oil, Lavender essential oil, or Bergamot essential oil].
"Place the Oil, Wax and Lard in a jar, and set the jar into boiling water until the wax is melted; then remove, and when nearly ready to set or stiffen, stir in the Ammonia and perfumes and put into boxes or jars for use, covering well. Apply the pomade at night only, not using combs nor harsh brushes during the growth of young hair."

Here is another natural hair loss remedy and restorative from Dr. Chase's book:
"Rain Water ............... 8 ounces
Bay Rum ................... 4 ounces
Aqua Ammonia .............. 1/2 ounce
Glycerine ................. 1/4 ounce

"Mix, bottle and keep corked. The Glycerine gives it a glossiness, while the Ammonia and Bay Rum stimulate the surface to a healthy action."

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